
Each package is created with you and your wedding day in mind. We have different package available to fit different needs. Don’t see a package that would suit you best? Feel free to reach out and we can certainly create a custom package that fits your needs specifically.


Full wedding experience

8 Hours of wedding day photo and video coverage.

1 Hour complementary engagement photoshoot and engagement film

Our Couples Top Choice


Wedding Only

6 Hours of wedding photo and video coverage


Photo or video alone

Only needing photography or video coverage of your day? No problem, we have package for both alone starting at 6 hours.


Packages Start at $2,000

Both of us were a little worried initially when we booked as we felt we were going to be so awkward in front of the camera. However Dany and her team did such a great job making us feel comfortable and relaxed and they gave great direction! Dany was very easy to reach whenever we had questions or concerns! I would definitely recommend wild in bloom to anyone and hope to work with Dany again in the future!!

Elena + Tym